Double Touble by mandagrammy

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk, Fictions  Comments Off on Double Touble by mandagrammy
Oct 022011

Double Touble by mandagrammy
The year is 2017 and married couple, Brian and Justin, are looking forward to celebrating Mel and Lindsay’s wedding anniversary in Canada and visiting the teenage Gus and JR. When tragedy strikes, Brian and Justin are faced with life altering changes when becoming the legal guardians of both teens. What will life be like for the couple as full time parents? I owe a debt of gratitude to Heather for her beta skills and Eka for the wonderful banner for my story.

Empty by butterflytiger_1982

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk, Fictions  Comments Off on Empty by butterflytiger_1982
Oct 022011

Empty by butterflytiger_1982
Justin is being swallowed in his depression at the way his life is going and how even the people who are supposed to love him seem to hate him. Will meeting Brian make a difference or is it too late for him?