Chaos Theory
“See, it’s like this,” Rodney smiled out at the reflection of the moon on the ocean, small waves sending the moonbeam rippling towards them on a ribbon of gleaming water. “I’m in love with Keller.”
A band of steel constricted in John’s chest at the words and a little voice within him sighed and said ‘here we go again’. He took another swallow of beer, admiring the steadiness of his voice when he spoke at last. “Don’t you mean ‘Jennifer’?”
Rodney looked at him sharply, startled. “What? Oh. Right. Whatever. Don’t start with me, Colonel Linguistics. Didn’t you hear what I just said?”
stella_pegasi – Stargateland Challenge “What Should Have Been”: Aftermath… by stella_pegasi
John Sheppard and Rodney McKay deal with the aftermath of a Wraith attack on a peaceful planet.
giogio: SGA Fic: A Pocket Full of Posies, Part 1
A Pocket Full of Posies
There were two reasons John was reassigned to Antarctica: one was splashed all over his service record, the other, as per regulations, arrived in a sealed envelope from his previous CO to his new CO marked “To Be Opened By Addressee Only.”
The Scientist and the Soldier
The Scientist and the Soldier Chapter 1, a stargate: atlantis fanfic – FanFiction.Net.
Ronon’s new on the team… Rodney’s a bit wary… But when a scientist falls ill, what does a soldier do? Full of McKay whumpy goodness.. of course!
The Scientist and the Soldier Chapter 1, a Stargate: Atlantis fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Ronon’s new on the team… Rodney’s a bit wary… But when a scientist falls ill, what does a soldier do? Full of McKay whumpy goodness.. of course!
Common Ground by Samara_Draven
Common Ground by Samara_Draven.
Rodney is getting tortured by their captors and Ronon’s freaking out just a little.
Common Ground by Samara_Draven
Rodney is getting tortured by their captors and Ronon’s freaking out just a little.
Consequences by Joolz
Post-Trinity: He may be the only one, but Ronon is still speaking to Rodney.
sga_santa: Fic: Shrapnel in his Skin (McKay/Dex, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)
He can’t go to Teyla with this. And there’s a hundred reasons why it can’t be Lorne
sga_genficathon: Friendship, Week 2: Syzygy (1/2)
Rodney, Ronon, and a day that begins with a land tsunami, and goes downhill from there.
sga_santa: Fic: Aloha
Rodney’s never been good with goodbyes.
Getting What You Want (1/1) by stillrose
Rodney never saw it coming. One minute he was complaining loudly about the early morning mission that sent him and Ronon to investigate M7P-922 while checking his scanner and the next he wasn’t.
Kept by Ourselves in Silence and Apart
Ronon and Rodney are captured and tortured — mostly Rodney. Ronon tries to assure Rodney and tries to effect an escape. When he is tortured as well, he turns to an old truth: pleasure runs faster than pain.
Kinkfest! – July 2nd Fic: Silence Is Golden (SGA, Ronon/John, FRAO)
The Betrayal of Yes
13k. Ronon starts to notice that whenever the team is expected to do a fertility ritual, somehow Rodney always has to participate, and he is hiding pain and dismay. Somehow John always frames it so Rodney can’t say no — and Rodney then has to talk him through the inevitable following homophobic freakout. Ronon then sees that Rodney is agreeing to sex with quite a few people, and always making them think it’s okay, and always unhappy. Tired of seeing Rodney hurting, Ronon decides to do something about it, but Rodney has trouble understanding what Ronon wants.
smittywing: [SGA fic] Hero for a New Age (Ronon Dex, Rodney McKay) (1/2)
Superman’s the last of his kind, too,” Ronon said quickly. “I’m going to try to get McKay to rig me up some heat vision so I can melt steel like Superman.