Feb 172008

Nothing keeps the pain out by Dreamcatcher
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Justin and Brian have to cope with the aftermath of a tragedy.

suzvoy: FIC: The Things I Cannot Change [b/j]

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk, Fictions  Comments Off on suzvoy: FIC: The Things I Cannot Change [b/j]
Feb 152008

The Things I Cannot Change
A season one AU, starting around 107. Brian/Justin, most definitely. NC-17, angst, drama, humour – bit of everything 🙂 Some lines/scenes stolen from the show exactly – they belong to CowLip.

A love that Will never grow old – bdeviled

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk, Fictions  Comments Off on A love that Will never grow old – bdeviled
Feb 152008

A love that Will never grow old – bdeviled
Basically a canon “Season 6” (since I hated the way they ended the series). This is what I’ve decided happened next. I tried to write everyone true to character as they were in the series. I hope I succeeded, and that everyone enjoys.

Feb 142008

Gone By Besame_bj
Gone by Besame_bj @ lj
Why is Justin wandering the streets of Pittsburgh? Where’s Ethan? Where’s Brian? Why isn’t someone helping him?