Feb 142008

Inescapable by suzvoy
Brian/Justin, rated NC-17. Serious AU, based around the episode 510. Knowledge of 510 would be a distinct advantage, and if you haven’t seen it this fic could be considered a big ol’ spoiler for what happens in said ep. Some dialogue is lifted directly from the show – said dialogue is the property of CowLip, and not me.

HOH Stories by Miss Miko

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk  Comments Off on HOH Stories by Miss Miko
Feb 142008

Ratings: All stories are NC-17+ (some NC-17+infinity) Note: All stories are in chronological order Warning: These stories are not for the QAF purist and feature non-canon characters and situations. If you’re only interested in reading about Brian and Justin as they are on the show, don’t waste your time with these stories, just pop in your DVDs or VHS tapes and knock yourself out.