libéré de mon esprit – Hidden In Plain Sight (1/1)

 Authors: DW-TW (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: DW-TW, Fictions  Comments Off on libéré de mon esprit – Hidden In Plain Sight (1/1)
Dec 072011

libéré de mon esprit – Hidden In Plain Sight (1/1)

There was a piece of Ianto Jones’ history that had been wiped from his records. Every trace of it was gone from his paperwork and had been buried for the past nine months. It would’ve stayed there if Jack hadn’t taken Ianto’s ‘secret project’ as a personal offence.

Never Without a Reason

 Authors: DW-TW (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: DW-TW, Fictions  Comments Off on Never Without a Reason
Nov 152011

Never Without a Reason
Title: Never Without A Reason
Rating(s): PG-13
Characters/Pairing(s): Ianto, Owen, background Jack/Ianto
Summary: Five times Ianto wanted to punch Owen but didn’t, and one time he did.
Author’s Notes: Entirely canon-compliant, with specific reference to the events of (in order) Cyberwoman, Small Worlds, Captain Jack Harkness, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, A Day In The Death and Exit Wounds.
Also, Areale made me do it.

Oct 062009

Emmett’s Epiphany
A oneshot of Emmett after he learns Bella is dead, and what happens when he finds out Rosalie called Edward.

Lady Gray’s Place – FIC: Proof, Torchwood, Jack/Ianto FRAO

 Authors: DW-TW (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: DW-TW, Fictions  Comments Off on Lady Gray’s Place – FIC: Proof, Torchwood, Jack/Ianto FRAO
Oct 132008

Ianto was raised to think sex is dirty/bad/wrong…and he believes it, until Jack teaches him otherwise. Warnings/Spoilers: A little talk of child abuse, slight spoilers for TW 1.01, 1.04, 1.06 and 2.12