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Dec 172009 – Fanfiction – Gravity by Nightshade.

Jacob. He had been my own personal sun around which my unsteady life had revolved. I had been like a moon whose planet had been destroyed- and so there I was, flung off into space, lost, cold, likely to have smashed into something at some point and have been destroyed as well. But Jacob rose up out of the darkness and I clung to his light like it was my last salvation. It was my last salvation. But none of this mattered if Edward came back. He had come back. He was back. The planet around which I had centered my life was suddenly there, and one thing became frighteningly clear: my life had meaning again. And if I had known, if I had one inkling that Edward was planning on returning I would have kept flying through space, bumping into things, chipping off my exterior. And none of it, none of the pain, none of the aching loneliness would have mattered because I would have had something to hope for.

Dec 172009

Gravity by Nightshade
Jacob. He had been my own personal sun around which my unsteady life had revolved. I had been like a moon whose planet had been destroyed- and so there I was, flung off into space, lost, cold, likely to have smashed into something at some point and have been destroyed as well. But Jacob rose up out of the darkness and I clung to his light like it was my last salvation. It was my last salvation. But none of this mattered if Edward came back. He had come back. He was back. The planet around which I had centered my life was suddenly there, and one thing became frighteningly clear: my life had meaning again. And if I had known, if I had one inkling that Edward was planning on returning I would have kept flying through space, bumping into things, chipping off my exterior. And none of it, none of the pain, none of the aching loneliness would have mattered because I would have had something to hope for.

Sep 062009

I’m TRYING to do something completely out of my element…alternate universe. Picks up at the end of Twilight. Suppose there was an actual reason for “La Tua Cantante”…Edward becomes human. Kind of OOC.

Jul 312009

AU OOC All human. I did Safekeeper. If you liked that, hopefully you’ll enjoy this, too. The tables have flipped on Edward this time, all of the angsty goodness is there still!