rho | Making Firefox use Dreamwidth to subscribe to RSS feeds

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Jul 262011

How to create Rss feed on Dreamwidth
For pages with an RSS/Atom feed, when you look at them in Firefox, the little orange feed icon appears up in the address bar. With the right technical wizardry, you can make it so that clicking on this will subscribe you to the feed on Dreamwidth. (For those of you reading this on LJ, this will work there too, if you replace dreamwidth.org with livejournal.com.)

Vodex’s LiveJournal – Livejournal Friends as an RSS Feed

 _Livejournal / Dreamwidth  Comments Off on Vodex’s LiveJournal – Livejournal Friends as an RSS Feed
Jul 202011

Rss feed
If you read a lot of Web Feed through LJ and/or often fall behind in reading friend entries, this is nerdvana, as they can now popup in Thunderbird, Google Reader, etc. and can be read like email, or with your other news. Yes, even protected/flocked posts. Here’s how: