lazuli: Hourglass
This is another epic story from Lazuli, this one set after the events of Series 2. Like “Attrition,” it’s long and plotty with interesting original characters and a nicely detailed story line. I enjoyed the characters a great deal and I also appreciated the mystery and plot twists that went along with it. Unfortunately, I felt that several major plot points hinged–unnecessarily, even–on the characters behaving rather stupidly, forgetting glaringly obvious problems or simply ignoring lines of inquiry. I did enjoy the story despite my frustration with those plot holes, but it was disappointing to have so many solid threads only to have the story falter on a couple of important points. All the same, this is a good adventure, with some powerful and poignant insights into Jack and Ianto’s relationship.
lazuli: Attrition
lazuli: Attrition
This is probably the classic “Jack comes back” story from the period between Seasons 1 and 2. At the time this was written, no one had any clue what would happen to Jack, and how he’d return. A lot of stories filled in the gaps, and this one was one of the better-written and more ambitious. I admit, I have quibbles with Jack’s characterization, specifically the degree to which he gets away with his obsessive and controlling behavior towards Ianto. For the most part the author pulls it back by having Ianto stand up to him, and by having Jack realize his own shortcomings, but in more than one instance I was still frustrated by the degree to which the author allowed Jack to control Ianto’s life. That said, the story itself is well-written, solid and plotty with an original character, Bryn, who I felt a lot of affection for. The team interactions are wonderful, and I have to enjoy a story that takes so much time and care building up the relationships.