Children of Earth: Love Remains Chapter 1: Love Remains alt Day 4 and 5, a torchwood fanfic – FanFiction.Net

 Authors: DW-TW (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: DW-TW, Fictions  Comments Off on Children of Earth: Love Remains Chapter 1: Love Remains alt Day 4 and 5, a torchwood fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Oct 042011

Children of Earth: Love Remains
In this version, that takes place starting at Day 4, Jack, Ianto and Gwen struggle to save the children and the world and one member of the team has to make a decision that will stay with them all forever.

The Walls Within by wildsweet_angel

 Authors: QAF (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Queer As Folk, Fictions  Comments Off on The Walls Within by wildsweet_angel
Oct 022011

The Walls Within by wildsweet_angel
Brian is the new counselor at Riker’s Island Correctional Facility. Justin is serving time at the Juvenile Detention Center, and is an unwilling participant in one of Brian’s therapy groups.

Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air – Sylvia Plath

 Authors: DW-TW (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: DW-TW, Fictions  Comments Off on Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air – Sylvia Plath
Jul 062011

Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air – Sylvia Plath
Who propositions their boss with a stopwatch?!

Eclipse: Crashed Slumber Party Chapter 1, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net

 Authors: Twilight (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Twilight  Comments Off on Eclipse: Crashed Slumber Party Chapter 1, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Sep 122010

Crashed Slumber Party
While the Cullen men are away and the ladies are having their slumber party, Jacob promises Bella that he’ll come and get her from being held hostage, but before she can protest he hangs up. How will the Cullen ladies respond to this werewolf invasion?

Mar 282010

After Jasper snaps at Bella, his intense guilt strains his relationship with Alice. They drift apart for months as Alice searches for remnants of her human life. The crisis surrounding Alice’s trip to Italy is what eventually forces both of them to confront the demons of their past.

Jessica’s Phone Call by NoMoreThanUsual

 Authors: Twilight (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Twilight, Fictions  Comments Off on Jessica’s Phone Call by NoMoreThanUsual
Mar 212010

Jessica’s Phone Call
The night Edward saved Bella in Port Angeles, Jessica called Bella’s home and was surprised when Bella was home to answer. (Twilight p194). If Jessica didn’t think Bella was home, exactly who WAS Jessica calling? Jessica’s POV

giogio: SGA Fic: A Pocket Full of Posies, Part 1

 Authors: Stargate, Fandom: Stargate, Fictions  Comments Off on giogio: SGA Fic: A Pocket Full of Posies, Part 1
Nov 182009

A Pocket Full of Posies
There were two reasons John was reassigned to Antarctica: one was splashed all over his service record, the other, as per regulations, arrived in a sealed envelope from his previous CO to his new CO marked “To Be Opened By Addressee Only.”

Isle Esme Chapter 1: Isle Esme Part One, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net

 pairing:edward/bella, twilight, twilight:fic, twilight:fic:complete  Comments Off on Isle Esme Chapter 1: Isle Esme Part One, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Nov 102009

For True Edward Fans. A look at the first night on Isle Esme through Edward’s eyes. RATED M FOR ELOQUENT, EDWARDIAN LEMONS. CANON. EPOV.

Emmett and the Motorcycle Chapter 1, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net

 Authors: Twilight (fic+rpf/rps), Fandom: Twilight, Fictions, Fictions: Favorites  Comments Off on Emmett and the Motorcycle Chapter 1, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Oct 062009

Emmett and the Motorcycle
New Moon spoiler somewhat. Now that Charlie knows about Bella’s motorcycle, what will she do with it? Read and find out. The final chapter is ready for reading and reviewing. Information added story from Emmett’s PoV.

Glimpses Chapter One, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net

 pairing:edward/bella, twilight, twilight:fav, twilight:fic, twilight:fic:complete  Comments Off on Glimpses Chapter One, a Twilight fanfic – FanFiction.Net
Sep 062009

Extended Epilogue to my story Healing. Glimpses of the future for Edward and Bella. Fluff, All Human, rated M.

Jul 302009

Summary: While the Cullen’s are away Bella takes a trip down to Port Angeles and runs into someone she never wanted to see again. Warnings: Strong depictions of rape/Non-con